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Poor in spirit

Interpretation of the painting: This painting is correctly viewed from the view point that I have spiritually died to this world and am born again to a new reality, which is a life in Jesus Christ. This image must be viewed through the eyes of Jesus and it is only when we lift up our eyes to Christ in prayer that we can understand the meaning of this beatitude.

Background: I live a very prayerful and frugal lifestyle. I have lived like this for a number of years now. So for me this beatitude is something real and it is something that has to be experienced as reason cannot explain the spiritual significance and impact that it has had on my life.


The journey: When my wife and I decided to devote our lives more fully to Christ we took an enormous leap of faith. This was a moment of great uncertainty. I was very ill with advanced type 2 diabetes and my memory was beginning to falter. I have been a student of scripture for many years. Not a formal teaching but through books, audio and DVD courses. This beatitude ‘blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven’ is a beatitude that everyone seems to want to get way around to justify their desire for wealth. Before this moment I was one of those many.

All the ways around it contradicted scripture. Jesus said to the rich man “you must go and sell everything, give it to the poor, then come and follow me”. That is quite a big request. I certainly do not have the faith to abandon everything. I have family that I must take care of. This is why St Paul recommends that priests do not marry.

I did, however, take the beatitude very seriously. I gave up my want list. I identified my wants from my needs. It is amazing how much you can do without. I not only gave it up but I replaced it with prayer and the study of scripture. Once Jesus had found a way for me to control my diabetes by diet and to come off all my medications he then called me to paint to his glory.

When I spiritually died to this world and began to live for Christ everything changed. I no longer wanted the things that this world provides. I didn’t want the holidays, the cars, the fancy clothes, etc. The things of this world faded into obscurity. There was a light that was lit inside of me. I needed to show the world what Jesus can do.


The meaning of the painting: This is a very simplistic image of a woman kneeling in front of a crucifix. Her bedroom is very basic and only has the essentials. She is well cared for but simply dressed. Only she and the crucifix are brightly lit.

This painting brings the scripture into a new reality. We must die to this world and live for our new reality which is Christ Jesus. Our new reality becomes Christ crucified and our justification is our risen Christ. This is our new light, the light shines in the darkness of the things of this world. Our sole focus becomes our Lord Jesus and we become his dwelling place. The things of this world must fade away and the things of God must increase.

In the painting the woman and the crucifix are the brightest part of the painting. This focuses the viewer attention on the idea that the crucifix (our crucified Lord) is the only thing that she needs to fulfil all her longings. 

It is a peaceful painting; she already feels the heavenly presence of her new reality. It tells us that all the troubles of the world have passed away. Now there is only peace with God. When we live like this then our actions in the material world will be manifested as Christian. We begin to live and act the way Christ asks of us.

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